“Designers are here to think, test and make mistakes, so the users don’t have to.

I am a Product Designer specialised in digital products

I have hands-on experience on each step of the full product lifecycle, from concept to live and anything in between, as well as in marketing and business. This experience helped me in the years also managing and leading teams with different experts.

My background

I have more than 10 years of experience in product design and more than 6 years in creating and managing teams. 

In my career, I have worked as an in-house Product designer, in an agency environment, and as a consultant as well. Even more, being an entrepreneur and founder, I can confidently say that I understand product and business needs from many angles.

Since early in my career I have worked with global brands such as KraftHeinz, MotoGP, Vodafone, European Union, Audemar Piguet, Universal, NBC and Dufry and I can say these different experiences allow me to easily identify User and business needs, especially for those companies that are leaders in their sectors.

What do I do when I don’t work?

I enjoy Photography. In my previous life, I was an event photographer and I still like practising photography, it helps me remember how to focus on the essential, to capture what I really see.

I enjoy making things with my hands, in particular, I like to work with wood. I believe it is rewarding to create using the hands, it frees the mind.

I love audiobooks. As you can see from the book list on my site I like self-development books as well as stories that make me think about how do we behave as humans.

I also enjoy sports, I like how training makes me feel alive and I enjoy skateboard, snowboard, surf so basically anything that can slide.

What’s a Designer?

(my work in progress definition)

A designer is someone that wants to improve something by studying an effective solution (and planning a path to achieve it) with a focus on the User.


Designed solution = studied solution = a designed solution is such when it does have researched and validated reasons behind and they are tailored to the humans that are designed for

/ Explanation /

// Wants // express the will and the commitment 

// Studying // express preparation behind to achieve the right knowledge to then make precise decisions that will make the solution

// having a focus on the User expresses the goal of the improvement, not just finding a solution but finding an effective solution for the user that needs it 

// User // express the designer focus on the human being, not on every human being but just on those who need a solution for that issue